How Nepali song Lyrics are globalized by ? is not only for providing lyrics to our readers. We believe this website will also increase the popularity of the song. As we try hard to collect all the information of the song and related peoples (Singers, composers, etc). We provide official YouTube link of that song if available or possible.

We believe our Nepali song’s lyrics should be understandable by all peoples of the world, who love Nepali songs. So, we also provide English translation of the song lyrics if possible. If the English translation is not available we translate the Nepali song Lyrics in English on Demand. In this way, our visitors across the globe can enjoy Nepali traditional and modern music and can also the enjoy song lyrics.

We also promote our national and traditional music as much as possible with the help of our different websites and social media pages.

What can you Expect from

You can find any kind of lyrics in our site.
You can give contribution to our site by providing lyrics using this form
You can request lyrics if not available already in our site using this form
If you own copyright of the song published in our site and wish to remove from it you can use this form.
If you are copyright holder / singer of the lyrics and if have we forgot to give credits you can contact us to claim credits and redirection to your any kind of link (Your personal page, website, spotify link, itunes link, youtube link)

Why is better than other Nepali Song lyrics providers ?

  • We check the original song to test whether the lyrics are correct or not.
  • We provide links to the official links (Youtube, fb page, spotify, itunes, amazon music)
  • We provide English translation of the Song so that visitors from every country including and excluding Nepal can understand the lyrics of the Nepali song
  • Visitors can submit and request any Nepali song lyrics and chords as well
  • We provide Nepali and Roman text to better understand and pronounce the song lyrics
  • We also provide news and other blogs related to Nepal and Nepali
  • we provide biography of singers and other celebrity in our website

If you have any comments, complains or Suggestions to Nepali songs lyrics Email us at : [email protected]
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