Happy Tihar wishes 2079/2022 in Nepali – तिहारको शुभकामना
In this blog, you can find Happy Tihar wishes in Nepali for the year 2079/2022. At first Happy Tihar 2022 (तिहारको शुभकामना ) to all. Tihar festival is also known as Deepawali, Bhaitika, and Yamapanchak. It is mainly celebrated by Hindu people. In Nepal, the Tihar festival is celebrated for 5 days. The first day of Tihar is Kaag Tihar, the second day of Tihar is Kukur Tihar, the third one is Gai Tihar and Lakshmi Puja, the fourth day of Tihar is called Govardhan Puja. The fifth and most important day of Tihar is called Bhai Tika. This day is dedicated to the brothers and sisters. On this day brother & sisters put seven-colored tika (Sapta Rangi Tika) on each other’s forehead. Along with this, a portion of sweet/ dessert or dry fruits, curd & other items are fed to the brother and sisters get some money as Dakshina from their brothers. Another very interesting & amazing thing about Tihar is Deusi Bhailo. Deusi and bhailo are an important part of Tihar in which a group of men/women goes door to door for singing Folk songs, deusi/bahilo songs & traditional dance.
In this blog, I’m going to write and collect some amazing Tihar wishes in Nepali. I hope you will like this collection of Happy Tihar wishes in Nepali and share it too. You can use these Tihar wishes in Nepali font to wish your friends, family, and relatives and especially for brothers & sisters.

Tihar wishes in Nepali (तिहारको शुभकामना )
Here are some list of Tihar wishes in Nepali. Choose any Tihar wishes and wish your your special ones.
तिहारको शुभकामना सबैमा
यो तिहार ले
ज़िन्दगीमा भोगेका (ती-हार) हरुलाई
जितमा परिवर्तन गरोस
tiharko subhakamana sabai ma
yo tihar le
jindagima bogyeka (ti – Har) harulai,
jitma paribartan garos Happy Tihar
Happy Tihar जब अाउछ तिहार चिसो हावा चल्छ हुरुरु
येसै बेला मखमलि फुल्छ येसै बेला सयपत्रि फुल्छ अनि मन रुन्छ धुरुरु
तिहारको शुभकामना 2079
Happy Tihar jaba aaucha tihar ko choiso hawa chalcha hururu
yesai bela makhmali fulcha yesai bela sayepatri
fulcha ani man runcha dhururu
tiharko subhakamana 2079
सम्पूर्ण नेपालीको घरमा सुख शान्ति र समवृद्धी छाओस
तिहारको मंगलमय शुभकामना Happy Tihar
sampurna nepaliko gharma sukha santi ra sambridhi chawos
tiharko mangalmaye subhakamana Happy Tihar
हिन्दुहरुको महान पर्व 2079 सालको
तिहारको सम्पुर्ण नेपाली दाजु भाइ
दिदी बहिनीहरुमा सुख, शान्ती
समृद्धि तथा उत्तरोत्तर प्रगतिको लागि
हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना ब्यक्त गर्दछु Happy Tihar
hindi haruko mahan chad parba 2079
saal ko tiharko sampurna nepali
daju vai, didi, bahiniharuma sukha ,santi
sambridhi tatha utaroutar pargatiko
hardik mangalmaye subhakamana bekta gardachu
तिहारको हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना ब्यक्त गर्दै
यसपालीको तिहार महामारीका कारण सुरक्षित भई
अा- अाफ्नै ठाउँमा मनाउनु हुन सम्पुर्ण नेपाली
दाजुभाई तथा दिदीबहिनीहरुमा बिनम्र अनुरोध गर्दछु Happy Tihar
tiharko hardik mangalmaye subhakamana bekta gardai
yeshpali tiahr mahamari karan surachitbhai aa-aafna
thauma manaunu huna sampurna nepali daju bhai tatha
dididbahiniharuma binamra aanurodh gardachu.Happy Tihar
शुभकामना !
देश बिदेशमा रहनु भएको समस्त नेपालिजनहरुमा तिहारको शुभकामना
desh bideshma rahanu vayeko samasta nepaliharuma tiharko subhakamana
दिप जस्तो चम्किरहोस्
तपाईंको जीवन कहिल्यै पिडाले खिन्न नहोस्
त्यो मन सधैं भित्रियोस मुरीका मुरी
तपाईंको घरमा धन सुनौलो विहानीको होस्
यही छ मेरो तपाईंलाई 2079 सालको शुभकामना
deep jasto chamkiwos
tapaiko jiwan kahilai pidale khinna nahos
tyo man sadhai bhitriwos murika muri
tapaiko gharmma dhan sunaulo bihaniko hoss
yehi cha mero taspailai 2079 tiharko subhakamana
२०७4 सालको तिहारको पावन अवसरमा
तपाई र तपाईको पुरा परिवारलाई हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना
2079 salko tiharko pawan aabasarma
tapai rw tapaiko pura pariwarlai mangalmaye subhakamana
तिहार आइ पनि सक्यो
बत्तिहरु चारैतिर झुन्डाइ पनि सक्यो
उज्यालो आउन थाल्यो
छोड अब सारा समस्याहरु
जिन्दगी मजाले हासि रहेको छ
Happy Tihar 2022
देउसी खेल्न आउनेलाई देउसीरे
भैलो खैल्न आउनेलाई भैलेनी भन्दिनु
मखमलीको माला गलामा निधारमा
सप्तरङ्गी टिका लगाए
तिहारको यो शुभकामना
दिपावलीकाे दियाे जस्ति, चम्किरहाेस् जिन्दगी
सप्पैलाई लक्ष्मीपुजा, दिपावली र तिहारकाे शुभकामना
wish you a very happy tihar
Makhamaliko Ful Jastai
Kahilai Nasukos Timro Jiban
Sayapatri Ful Jastai
Atal Rahos Timro Jiban
Timali Mero Yahi 6
Tihar ko Subhakamana
Nepaliharuko Mahan Chad Tihar ko
Upalakchyamaa Timilai Sukha,
Swasthya ra Sambridhi Ko
Hardik Mangalmaya Subhakamana !
Deepak ko jyoti le har samay tapai ko jeevan ma kiran dewos,
bas yehi cha suvakaman mero tapai lai,tihar ma tapai lai
sabai khusi melos.
happy tihar 2022.
subha tihaarko mangalmayw subhakamana
yespaliko tiharle lyawos sukha santi ra sambridhi
wish you a very happy tihar 2022
Ghar ma Laxmi ko baas hos,
Satruko naas hos,
Harek kamana pura hos
aadaro gayo raat ko saath
Naya behani ayo tihar ko saath
yes pal ma yo msg aayeko cha
deepali le timi ma khusi lowos,
yehi kamana msg ma chhayeko cha
tihaar aai raheko cha
man ma khusi chairaheko cha
chodi deu sabai problem
jiban muskurai raheko chha
happy tihar 2079.
Yo Tihar ko Subhakamana
Sukha Hos, Prem Badhos
Jiban Maa Safalata Hos wish you a vey happy tihar
mangsir ko mahinaa ramaailo hasilo sansaar
Tihar ko yo parva ma paariwar ko pyaar
nidhaar ma sapta rangi Tika, aangan ma baleko Diyo happy tihar
yo chad ma tapailai lakhau khushi milos
asatymathi sadhai satya ko jeet hos
chahe tapai jaha rahanu hos
laxmi ko ashish sadhai tapaiko sath hos
भाइटिकाको पावन अबसरमा तपाईं र तपाइको परिवारको
सु स्वास्थ्य, प्रगती, उन्नती एबम दिर्घायुको कामना गर्दछ
Happy Tihar
May the festival of light bring happiness, peace and prosperity in our lives . happy 2022 tihar
happy Tihar 2079 May the celebration of lights be the harbinger of satisfaction and flourishing.
May God fill your house with happiness and joy.
Celebrate this with our very own fusion of traditional and contemporary fashionable apparels. Save Nepalese culture and traditions. Happy tihar2079.
May Goddess lakshmi blesses you, and your all family, relatives, friends, and someone special one with her choicest blessings. Happy tihar all of you.
For this, is a special time when family
And friends get together, for fun.
Wishing laughter and fun to cheer your days,
In this festive season of TIHAR and always!!!!!
Wishing each and everyone a Happy tihar 2022
Happy tihar to all my people. God bless you. Share love and respect with your family.
May this tihar be the beginning of peace, prosperity, and happiness for all of us. Happy Tihar 2079
Happy Tihar 2079
I hope all your families and friends will circle around you
to enjoy the moments of Tihar.
Be happy and have a prosperous day with the help of goddess lakshmi. Happy Tihar
May goddess always reside in every moment you live. Happy Tihar 2079.
May your life, shimmer with Silver, shine with Gold and dazzle like Platinum in this Tihar and always.
Tihar wishes from sister for brother in Nepali
Mero pyaro bhai lai Tihar ko hardik mangal maya subhakamana
mero pyaaro vai
safalataa ra sukh miloss timaro jindagee laai
nava Laxmi vaawaani le rakshaa garoon
yahee nai cha
Tihar ko suvkaamanaa mero timee laai
तिहारको असीमित शुभकामना
सु:स्वास्थ्य दीर्घायु र उत्तर उत्तर प्रगतीको कामना
Happy Tihar दाई/ भाई
तिहारको मुरीमुरी सुभकामना दाई
सुस्वास्थ्य र दिर्धायु को कामना गर्दाछु
तिहारकोकाे धेरै धेरै शुभकामना भाईलाई
सदा खुशी अनि सुखी हुनु मेरो आशिर्वाद छ तिमिलाइ सधैं खुसी र सुखी रहनु भबिष्य उज्वल वनिरहाेस
You are my family where life begins and love never ends
Happy tihar my brother love you
You are the best, my best brother happy tihar 2022
Tihar wishes from brothers for sister in Nepali
तिहारकोकाे धेरै धेरै शुभकामना पावन घडिमा सु-स्वास्थय, उन्नति र प्रगतिको
लाखौ-लाख शुभेच्छा सहितको शुभकामना
Wishing you a very very happy Tihar
तिहारको धेरै धेरै शुभकामना दिदी
हरेक मुश्किलहरु सजिलो होस्
हरेक पलहरु खुशिमय होस्
सधै स्वास्थ रहनु
मस्त रहनु ,यहि छ शुभकामना
तिहारकोकाे शुभकामना दिदी
happy tihar didi
आफ्ना पाइला अघि बढदै जाउन
हाम्रो सम्बन्ध सधैको लागि रहोस
तिहारकोकाे शुभकामना दिदी
happy tihar didi
मेरो प्यारि दिदी धेरै धेरै तिहारको शुभकामना दियो
भाईले जिन्दगीभर यसरी नै माया पाउने अाश गरेको छ
र दिदिलाई पनि अादर गरिरहने छ
happy tihar didi
आहा कस्तो मीठो सँयोग, हामी दुवैको जन्मदिन एकै दिन परेछ
तिहारको हार्दिक मँगलमय शुभकामना
happy tihar didi
No one understands me better than you do
Lucky to have such a lovely and caring sister like you
You may like to read:
- Kaag Puja/tihar wishes
- Kukur Tihar Wishes in Nepali
- Gaai Puja/tihar wishes
- Laxmi Puja wishes with puja vidhi
- Bhaitika wishes in nepali
- Tihar wishes in Nepali
- Deepawali wishes in Nepali
- Diwali wishes in Nepali
~~~~THE END~~~~
Thank you for reading “Happy Tihar wishes 2079/2022 in Nepali – तिहारको शुभकामना till this end.
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