Happy kukur Tihar Wishes in Nepali – कुकुर तिहारको शुभकामना
In this blog, you can find Happy kukur tihar wishes in nepali, short description on Kukur (Dog) Tihar, why kukur tihar is celebrated?, and other things related to kukur tihar. Kukur Tihar (Festival dedicated for Dogs) is an important day of Tihar festival to celebrate the long friendship & loyalty of Dogs and humans. It shows reverence to not just the humans and the Gods, but also to the animals. On this day dogs are thanked and celebrated for their loyalty, service, and companionship. Dogs are considered special in Hinduism as they are believed to be the messengers of Yama and incarnations of the god Bhairava. Kukur Tihar is also known as Khicha Puja by Newars. People offer tika, garlands made up of marigold flowers, and different kinds of delicious food to dogs to acknowledge the cherished bonding between humans and dogs.
It is believed that dogs wait for us at the gates of heaven and once we die they guide our souls through. We celebrate this special bond of loyalty, compassion and devotion by honoring our dogs every year.
kukur Tihar Images

kukur Tihar Wishes in Nepali
कुकुर धेरैप्रिय जनावर हो
बफादारको साथै मायालु र निस्वार्थि पनि एकसानो
गाँस रोटीमा पनि हरपल सन्तुष्ट रहने
कुकुर तिहारको शुभकामना
kukur dherai priya janawar ho bafadarko
sathi mayalu ra niswarthi pani eksano gas rotima ma poni
harpal santusti rahane kukur tiharko subhakmana
बिना बर्दीका
संरक्षक हुन्छ भन्ने
सिद्धान्त लाई
तिमीले साबित गरेर देखाउछौँ
दिन होस् या रातमा
बनेर पालदाइ कुकुर तिहारको शुभकामना
Bina bardika samrakshyan huncha bhanne
sidhanta lai timi lai sabit garera dekhauchau
din hos ya raatma banera pale dai kukur tihar ko subhkamana.
Happy kukur tihar
यमपञ्चककको दोश्रो दिन कुकुर तिहारको सबैलाइ धेरै२ शुभकामना
Happy kukur tihar 2022
yampanchak ko doshro din kukure tiharko sabilai dherai subhkamana
कुकुरबाट मानवजातिले ईमान्दारीता र वफादारीताको पाठ सिकुन
कुकुर तिहारको शुभकामना
kukur bata manab jati le imandarita ra bafadari ta ko path sikun kukur tiharko subhakamana
कुकुर तिहारको शुभकामना
हिम्मत र बलको कुरा हुन्थ्यो भने शिंहलाई पुजिन्थो
तर यहाँ कुकुरलाई पुजिन्छ किनकि उ ईमान्दार र सहयोगि छ happy kukurr tihar
himat ra bal ko kura hunthyo bhane singha lai puginthnyyo
tara yeha kukurlai pujincha kinki uh bafadar
cha ra sahayogi cha happy kukur tihar 2079
सबैजनालाई कुकुर तिहारको शुभकामना छ happy kukur tihar
sabai janama kukur tiharko subhkamana chahimatko ra baal ko k happy kukur tihar 2079
बफादारिको प्रतीक कुकुरको
पुजा आरजना गरि मनाईने
तिहारको एक विशेष दिन
कुकुर तिहारको शुभकामना
bafadariko ko partik kukur ko puja arajana gari manaiyene
tiharko ek bises din kukur tiharko subhakmana
Kukur Tihar ma hajur harulai sapta rangi tika ra makhamali
mala lagauna abam pragati ko sadai ma subhakamana
happy dog festival
simply pray to God that our bond gets a good deal
more potent and deeper via each passing Tihar
I am blessed to have all of you as my family
Happy kukur tihar 2022 to you all.
May the gift of happiness and prosperity fill our hearts
and domestic with joy in Tihar
and usually Happy Dog festival
Wishing everyone a very happy Kukur Tihar as well as the delightful of lights.
Wish you a very happy Kukur tihar and a prosperous life ahead fully
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- Kukur Tihar Wishes in Nepali
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Thank you for reading Happy kukur Tihar Wishes in Nepali for year 2022/2079 till this end.
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