Happy Bhai tika wishes in Nepali – भाई टिकाको शुभकामना

At first Happy Bhai tika to you all from us. In this blog, you can find a short description of Bhai Tika, Bhai tika wishes in Nepali language text/font for the year 2079/2022 & Images. Bhai Tika is one of the main festivals in Nepal. It is celebrated at the last of the Tihar festival. This festival is mainly dedicated to brothers and sisters. On this day sisters put seven-colored tika on their brothers’ foreheads for their long and happy life and gifts are also exchanged. This festival also to helps to increase the love, trust, and mutual bond between brothers and sisters relationship. and it is one of the best regions to meet who are very far from each other. That’s why this festival has great importance in the Hindu festival. I hope that you like the collection of Happy Bhai tika wishes in Nepali for the year 2022/2079 and You can use these wishes & photos to wish your friends & family on the day of tihar festival.

See Bhai tika Sait 2079

Happy Bhai tika images 2022

Happy Bhai tika wishes in Nepali
Happy Bhai tika wishes in Nepali

Bhai tika wishes in Nepali 2079

यमपञ्चकको अन्तिम दिन अर्थात भाईटीकाको
सबै दाजु भाइ दिदी बहिनी हरु मा शुभकामना

yampanchak ko pahilo din aarthat bhaitikako
sabai dajubhai didi bahiniharuma subhakamana

भाई टिकाको मंगलमय शुभकामना,
अटुट, अविरल सम्बन्ध कायम रहिरहोस

bhai tikako mangalmaye subhakamana
aatut abiral samndha kayam rahirahos

भाई टिकाको पावन अवसरमा सम्पूर्ण दाजुभाई
तथा दिदीबहिनीहरुमा अपार माया र ममताको
कामना गर्दै हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना

bhaitikako pawan abasar ma dididbahiniharuma
apar maya ra mamatako kamana
gardai hardik mangalmaye subhakamana

स्वदेश र विदेशमा रहेका समस्त नेपाली दिदिबहिनी दाजुभाइमा
भाइ टीकाको हार्दिक शुभकामना Happy Bhai Tika

swodesh ra bidesh raheka samasta
nepali didid bahini dajubhai ma
bhaitikako hardik subhakamana Happy vai Tika

2079 सालको भाई टिकाको सबै दिदी बहिनीहरु मा
धेरै धेरै शुभकामना

2079 saalko subhakamna sabai dd bahinihaeruma
dherai dherai subhakamana Happy vai Tika

सम्पुर्ण नेपाली सनातनीहरुमा भाइ टिकाको शुभकामना
आत्मियता भाइचारा मायाप्रेम र सद्भाब फैलियोस
sampurna nepali sanataniharuma bhai tikako
subhakamana aatmiyeta bhaichara mayaprem ra sambhdab phailiwos

Happy Bhai Tika
सम्पुर्ण नेपाली दाजुभाइ दिदिबहिनीहरुलाई
भाइ-टीकाको धेरै धेरै शुभकामना

Happy Bhai Tika
sampurna nepali dajubhai ddibahiharulai
bhaitikako dherai dherai subhakamana

सबै नेपाली दाजुभाइ तथा दिदिबहिनी लाई भाइ
टिकाको मंगलमय शुभकामना

sabai dajubhai taha didibahini lai bhaio tika ko subhakmana
tikako mangalmaye subhakamana

Happy Bhai Tika
यो वर्षको दिपावली नया उमंगको साथ् बितोस
रमाइलो गरि बितोस
मुस्कानको साथ् भाई टिकाको शुभकामना र माता लक्ष्मीको
आशिर्बाद सधै साथ् रहीरहोस
तिहारको सबैमा शुभकामना

Happy Bhai Tika
yo barsa naya umangako sath bitosh ramilo gari bitosh muskanko sath bhai
tikako subhakamna ra mata lakshmiko asirbad chhaiwos
sadhai sath rahirahosh tiahrko subhakmana

तिहार आउँछ
हामी आफुले आफुलाई हेर्न सक्छौ
एेना अगाडी रित्तो निधार आउँछ
भाई टिकाको हार्दिक शुभकामना

tihar aucha jancha afulefulai aina agadi rakhera
bhai tika ko hardik subhkamana

जे छैन त्यसलाई मनमा सजाउ
जे छ त्यसै सङ्ग खुसी मनाउ
चाडपर्बले हाम्रो सम्बन्ध र भाइचारालाई अरु गाढा र बलियो बनाओस
दिपावली र भाई टिकाको याहाहरुमा मधुर शुभकामना

j chhaina teslai manma sajau j cha tesai sanga khusi manau
chadparbale hamro samandha ra bhaicharalai aru gada ra baliyo
banawos deepawali ko subhakamana ra
bhai tikako yahaharuma madur subhakamana

दिपावली र भाइ टिकाको हार्दिक अनि मंगलमय शुभकामना
deepawaliko ra bhai tika ko hardik subhakamana

May your bond be stronger with your brothers and sisters this Tihar.

Happy Bhai Tika
Be nice to your siblings
they’re your best link to your past and
the most likely to stay with you in the future

Nidhara ma sapta rangiko tika ,
Shir ma thula ko Asshirbaad hos
bhai tika 2079 ko Hardik mangalmaya subhakamana

Aaayo tihar charai tira, chayo harsha ra umanga.
Khusi rahanu, sukhi rahanu, bhai tika 2079 ko hardik mangalmaya shubhakamana

Wishing you a very happy and prosperous Bhai tika

Happy Bhai Tika
May every day of your life be respected with light
emissions joy, love & sunlight on this auspicious time of tihar festival

Wishing everyone a very happy Bhai Tika
as well as the delightful of lights

Wishing you a very Happy Bhai Tika
May God bless you and always keep you Healthy and Happy

May this bhai tika bring new opportunities and hope in your life
Enjoy the Bhai tika to the fullest

May this Bhai tika burns all the bad times and things for you and helps you enter in good time.
Have a happy bhai tika

May you enjoy this bhai tika festival with your brothers sisters with high spirits

Behind all the fights and arguments that you have with them daily
we know (so do you) that you love your siblings
This Bhai Tika meet your siblings and re-live all your childhood memories

May Laxmi Goddess bless you
With all the happiness throughout the year.
Wishing you a bhai tika

May Truth always win and good triumph over evil. May Lord always bless you with wisdom. “
Happy bhai tika

May you be blessed with all the goodness in the world
May you lead a healthy, wealthy and prosperous life
Happy Bhai tika

I hope bhai tika will bring you as much joy as anyone who loves you
Have a blessed bhai tika 2079

bhai tika always brings fantastic memories and tons of beautiful moments
Spending those times with your brothers, sisters, and unforgettable too. Happy Bhai tika
Have the best time ahead.

Wishing you a very Happy Bhai tika
May goddess laxmi mata keep safe you in every worst situation.

Thank you for reading Happy Bhai tika wishes in Nepali – भाई टिकाको शुभकामना till this end.
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