Malai Yo Jindagile lyrics – Ram Krishna Dhakal |Aasirwad

Malai Yo Jindagile Lyrics & Song Details: Nepali Song Malai Yo Jindagile is sung by Ram Krishna Dhakal and music is given by Sambhujit Baskota.

Song Title Malai Yo Jindagile
Singer Ram Krishna Dhakal
Music Sambhujit Baskota
cast Rajesh Hamal/Jal Shaha/Dinesh Sharma/Sanchits Luetel/Mithila Sharma/Mukund Kishor Bhattrai/Narayan Tirpati
Movie Aasirwad

Music video

Malai Yo Jindagile Lyrics

malai yo jindagile
malai yo jindagile
kaha purayo
malai yo jindagile
kaha purayo
kahile hasayo
kahile ruwayo
kahile hasayo
kahile ruwayo
afnai sanga chhutaera
eklo banayo
malai yo jindagile
kaha purayo
malai yo jindagile
kaha purayo

dherai hide bato haru
dherai tare khola
afai sanga bichhodine
kasto bhagya hola

dherai hide bato haru
dherai tare khola
afai sanga bichhodine
kasto bhagya hola

niyatiko gham panile
polyo rujhayo
mitha mitha sapana pani
yasle udayo
malai yo jindagile
kaha purayo
malai yo jindagile
kaha purayo

jata teku kadai kada
tekne thau chhaina
parai bhai bachna malai
aba mana chhaina

jata teku kadai kada
tekne thau chhaina
parai bhai bachna malai
aba mana chhaina

kata chhute rahar kaha
khusi harayo
kin hola bidhatale
aansu jurayo
malai yo jindagile
kaha purayo
malai yo jindagile
kaha purayo
kahile hasayo
kahile ruwayo
kahile hasayo
kahile ruwayo
afnai sanga chhutaera
aklo banayo
malai yo jindagile
kaha purayo
malai yo jindagile
kaha purayo
a chhora
ma aamaa
hoina ra
mero timlaai
chhaina ra
a chhora
ma aamaa
hoina ra
mero timlaai
chhaina ra

~~~~THE END~~~~

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