Happy Valentines day 2022 💑 – wishes, Quotes & status

Valentine’s Day (14th Feb,2022): At first – “Happy Valentines Day” to you <3
In this blog, I’m going to make a collection of “Happy Valentines day 2022” Quotes & status. I’ve made collection of quotes & status for her and also for him. I hope you will like these quotes, status, SMS & wishes & photos. At last I’ve some amazing gift ideas for Valentines day which you can gift your valentine. The images below are copyright free & FREE to download & use for any purpose.

💋Contents  😘

  • Valentine’s day Quotes & Status with photos
  • Best Gift Ideas to give on Valentine’s day 

Happy Valentines Day Quotes & Status

happy valentines day

Our love is here to stay,
Our love grows stronger everyday,
With everything you do & say,
Oh my dear, Happy Valentines day <3

valentines day wishes

“For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart.
It was not my lips you kisses, but my soul.”
Happy Valentine’s day!
– Judy Garland

happy valentines day wishes

You give me the kind of feeling people write novels about. Happy Valentines day Dear

valentines day status

No words are amazing enough to describe how fantastic you are.

happy valentine day

There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved. Happy Valentine’s day!

happy valentines day

You can always gain by giving love. Happy Valentine’s day

happy valentines day quotes

My love for you sets my heart on fire and makes each day of my life so special. Happy Valentine’s day dear!

I may not be your first love, first kiss, first sight, or first date but I just want to be your last Everything. Happy Valentine’s day

Today is valentine’s day – or, as men like to call it Extortion Day!

What i need to live has been given to me by earth. Why I need to live has been given to me by you.

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live one day less so that I never have to live without you. Happy Valentine’s Day My Love.

I am the luckiest to have you in my life!
Happy Valentine’s Day My sweetheart!

“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us become better too.”

If I never MET you, I wouldn’t LIKE you.
If I didn’t LIKE you, I wouldn’t LOVE you.
If I didn’t love you, I wouldn’t miss you.
But I did, I do and I will.
Happy Valentine’s day my life <3

If I had a flower for every time I thought of you.
I could walk through my garden forever.
Happy Valentine’s day honey!

Once in a lifetime, you meet someone who changes everything in your life.
And that someone for me, is you.
Happ valentine’s day!

Dear sweetheart, A day without you in my life must never come.
And if it does, then that will be the last day of my life.
Happy Valentines day 2020 <3

I love you Everyday, Not just on Valentine’s day.
Happy Valentine’s day <3

If I could be anything in the world, I would want ot be your teardrop
because I would born in your eyes, live on your cheeks and die in your lips.
Happy Valentines day.

My Heart to you is given.
Oh do give yours to me.
We’ll lock them up together,
And throw away the key.
Happy valentine’s day My love<3

My love for you grows up ceaselessly,
let me express myself and say I love you.

I loved you yesterday, I love you today and I Always will.
Happy valentine’s day 2020.

My heart is locked with you and you have the key.
I am all yours, My valentine.
Happy Valentine’s day <3.

“Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone, wefind it with another.”
– Thomas Merton

“Love Grows More tremendously full, swift, poignant, as the years multiply.”
– Zane Grey

The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead
or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space.

You are my sun My Moon and all my stars.
Happy valentines day my love.

“The course of true love never did run smooth”
– William Shakespeare

Love is a partnership of two unique people who bring out the very best in each other,
And who know that even though they are wonderful as individuals,
They are even better together.

Love was Just a word for me, until I met you.
Happy Valentines day sweetheart.

“If love is the answer, could you rephrase the question?”
– lili Tomlin

A flower can not blossom without sunshine,
And man cannot live without love.
Happy valentine’s day

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength.
Loving someone deeply gives you courage.
I have both. Happy valentine’s day my love <3

There’s my heart and then there is you,
and I’m not sure there is a difference.
Happy valentines day dear!

Love is like wind, You can’t see it but you can feel it.
And you can’t live without it. Happy Valentine’s day!

All of me loves All of you.
Happy Valentines day Dear!

One is loved because one is loved.
No reason is needed for loving.

valentine’s day is an extraordinary moment for recalling the lasting power of a true love. Happy Valentine’s day Dear!

The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. Happy valentine’s day <3

I want you in every way.
I want to be with me,
Every single day.
Happy valentine’s day

I need you like a heart needs a beat. Happy valentine’s day <3

Searching Best Gifts for Valentine’s day ?

  1. Super Amazing Kiss day Gifts: https://amzn.to/2wbPS0Y

Status and Quotes for Valentine week list

View Rose Day Status & Quotes
View Propose Day Status & Quotes
View Chocolate Day Status & Quotes
View Teddy Day Status & Quotes
View Promise Day Status & Quotes
View Hug Day Status & Quotes
View Kiss Day Status & Quotes
Valentine day Quotes & status

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Happy Valentine Day wishes In Nepali
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Happy valentine day wishes images

Also View Gift Ideas For valentine day

Valentines day Gift Ideas for Her
Valentines day Gift Ideas for Him

Thank you for reading “Happy Valentines day 2021” quotes & Status till this end.
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