Happy Ghatasthapana Wishes in Nepali – घटस्थापनाको शुभकामना (2023/2080)

Introduction; Ghatasthapana (घटस्थापना) is the first day of Dashain festival. It is also one of the important day of dashain festival. According to the Nepali calendar, In 2080 It is celebrated on Ahoj 20. The festival is made up of two words, namely “Ghata ” and “sthapana . The word Ghata  means “pot or vessel “, while sthapana means to establish. we also known as the Kalasthapana day. So that for making a Kalash, a coconut with its protruding fiber, different types of food grains, mango leaves, mud, and a big shallow pan. are essential. After making kalash people keep it near their temple at home. It is also thought that Durga comes to live inside the kalash, which brings protection and bless the family. so that Ghatasthapana has it’s own importance. Here you find some amazing Ghatasthapana wishes, status, quotes in Nepali. These Ghatasthapana wish and quotes can be used to wish your family and relatives. I hope you will like this collection of Ghatasthapana Wishes In Nepali language and share it too.

Happy Ghatasthapana Wishes in Nepali - घटस्थापनाको शुभकामना (2021/2078)

How Ghatasthapana is celebrated ?

On this day people sow the seeds of barley, wheat to use the seedlings of these seeds during the Dashain festival. The seedlings are called Jamara. Do puja every day and putting water in Jamara. On Dashain day Jamara is used in worship and putting tika and each home is clean and beautifully decorated, painted as an invitation to the goddess Durga and bless the house.

Ghatasthapana Puja Vidhi in Nepali

Here is the tutorial for Ghatasthapana Puja vidhi in Nepali. The process for sowing jamara is also shown below (Jamara rakhne vidhi in Nepali).

Happy Ghatasthapana wishes

नवरात्रीको पहिलो दिन घटस्थापनाको उपलक्ष्यमा देश तथा विदेशमा छरिएर रहनु भएका दाजुभाइ,दिदीबहिनी,इष्टमित्र,नातागोता लगायत सम्पुर्ण हिन्दु धर्मावलम्वीहरूलाइ हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना

Nabaratri ko pahilo din Ghatasthapana ko upalakshya ma desh bidesh ma chariyera rahanu vyeka dajubhai, didibahini istamitra, natagota lagayet sampurna hindu dharmawolambi harulai hardik mangalmaye subhakamana.

बडा दशैंको पहिलो दिन घटस्थापनाको उपलक्ष्यमा सबैलाई हार्दिक मङ्गलमय शुभकामना। दुर्गा भवानीले सबैको रक्षा गरून्|

Bada dashain ko pahilo din Ghatasthapana ko sabailai haardik subhakamana. durga mata le sabai ko rakshya garun.

2080 saal ko Ghatasthapana aarthat jamara rakhne din Ko sabailai subhakamana .

2080 सालको घटस्थापना अर्थात जमरा राख्ने दिनको सबैलाई शुभकामना

घटस्थापनाको शुभकामना बडा दशै को हार्दिक मङग्लमय शुभकामना|

Ghatasthapana subhakamana bada dashai ko haardik subhakamana.

नव दूर्गा देवीहरुको पुजा- आरधना सँगै भगवतीको कृपा तपाँई माथि सधैं रहिरहोस, घटस्थापनाको मंगलमय शुभकामना।Naba durga devi haruko puja aaradhana sangai bhagbati ko kripa tapai mathi sadhai rahi rahos Ghatasthapana ko mangalmaye subhakamana.

माहान चाड बडादशैं को शुभउपलक्ष्यमा सुख,समृद्धि,सुस्वास्थ ,दिर्घायु,उत्तरोत्तर प्रगतिको सबैमा हार्दिक शुभकामना अर्पण गर्दछु,जय माँ भवानी |
Mahan chad bada dashinko subhauplaksyha sukha sambridhi suswasthye dirgaeu utaroutar pargatiko sabai ma hardik subhakamana.

घटस्थापनाको शुभकामना !
आजको दिन घट कलशको स्थापना गरी देवी-देवतालाई आवाहन गरिन्छ । आजको दिन झिसमिसे बिहानी मै आत्मशुद्धि पश्चात् नदी, खोला, बगर वा आफूलाई पायक पर्ने ठाउँमा गई चोखो बालुवा अथवा पञ्चमाटो ल्याई दसैँ घर वा पूजाकोठामा राखी जमरा उमार्न जौ अथवा गाउँघरमा चलिआएको अन्न छरिन्छ । जौ अथवा अन्नलाई वैदिक यज्ञको लागि अत्यावश्यक वस्तु मानिन्छ ।

Aajako din ghat kalashko sthapana gari devi devatalai aawahan garincha ajako din jhismise bihani mai aatmasudhi prashyat nadi khola bagar wa aafulai payak parne thauma gai chokho baluwa aathwa pamnchamato lyai dashjai dhar wa pujhakotha rakhi umarna jauu aathawa gaugharma chaliyeko aana charincha. jau aathwa aanalai baidik yagya ko lagi aatyabasek bastu manicha

May Goddess Durga bless you and your all family, relatives, friends and someone special one with her choicest blessings. Happy ghastasthpana 2080

May the great Goddess Durga maa empower you, your family and all your loved ones with her nine Swaroop of Name, Fame, Health, Wealth, Happiness, Humanity, Education, Bhakti & Shakti. Have an auspicious Navratri.

If you start your day and finish your day with a sincere prayer to the great goddess Maa Durga, everything will go well. May you have an auspicious Navratri.

I hope you and I will sing together at the times of enjoyment and make this navaratri very special and memorial.

Navaratri holds the power to make us forget the pain but is also contiguous to be the reminder of that pain we’ve faced. No matter the struggles, in the end, we all wish each other to remain happy throughout Dashami.

Hoping for the best I wish that the coming festival will give you the enough courage to prepare a feast I can devour.On this auspicious festival.

Happy Ghatasthapana 2080. May your life shimmer with silver, shine with gold and dazzle like platinum.Wish you very prosperous and happy life.

May you have all the joy your heart can hold all the smiles a day can bring,all the blessings a life can unfold. May you get the world best in everything.Wish you happy Ghatasthapana 2080.

~~~~THE END~~~~

Thank you for reading “Happy Ghatasthapana Wishes in Nepali – घटस्थापनाको शुभकामना” till this end.
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