Happy Fathers Day / बुबाको मुख हेर्ने दिन Wishes in Nepali
(बुबाको मुख हेर्ने दिन / Buwa ko Mukh Herne Din / Kushe Aushi / Fathers Day) – In thing post, I’m going to write and collect some amazing happy Father’s Day wishes, and status quotes in Nepali, Romanized Nepali, and English. These fathers day wishes and quotes can be used to wish your father and make him to feel more special to you. I hope you will like this collection of Happy Father’s Day wishes & quotes in Nepali and share it too. Scroll Down for more Wishes, images and Kushi Aunshi wishes.
यस ब्लग मा मैले बुबाको मुख हेर्ने दिन को शुभकामना लेखेको छु, जस्लाई तपाईंहरु ले बुवाको मुख हेर्ने दिन को Wish गर्न प्रयोग गर्न सक्नु हुनेछ । आसा छ तपाईंहरु ले यस बुवाको मुख हेर्ने दिन को शुभकामनाको सँगलो लाई मन पराइदिनु हुनेछ र अन्त्य मा लाएक र सेयर गरिदिनु हुनेछ ।

Happy Fathers Day Wishes in Nepali / Subhakamana
पिता धर्मः पिता स्वर्गः पिता हि परमं तपः।
पितरि प्रीतिमापन्ने प्रीयन्ते सर्वदेवताः॥
बुबाको मुख हेर्ने दिनको subhakamana. बाबा तपाईं ले मलाई जीवन मा आमुल्य चिज हरु दिनु भएको छ । तपाईं को समय, हेर चह अनि माया । मेरो जीवन मा तपाईं हुनुहुन्छ म निकै अभरी छु ।
Dad, malai paisa hoina, hajur khusi bhayeko herna man cha. Ra tyesko laagi, mah sake jati mehenat garnechu. बुबाको मुख हेर्ने दिनको शुभकामना बुबा|
Happy father’s day Baba .Buwa sadhai mero manma ek bises thau cha. ek salahakarko rupma sahayog garnako lagi dherai dherai Dhanyabad|

Tapaile chaheko hareka ichchha pura hos. Buba ko mukh herne dinako ko dherai dheari subhakamana.
Nidra aafno birsera sutaye malai ,aasu aafno hasaye malai dukha kahilai nadinu ti eshorlai duniya babu vanxan jaslai Buwa ko mukh herne din ko subha kamana.
Ek buwa dherai vhagyasali hununparrcha .tesai nai tapai jastolai buwa banauna dherai vhagyasali parcha Tapai sadhai mero jibanma madatkari hunuvyorw malai sadhai mero sneha rw aashirbad dinuvyo.
बुवा दिवसको शुभ अवसरमा सम्पूर्ण बुवाहरुमा सुस्वास्थ्य, दीर्घायू, सुख, शान्तिको कामना गर्दछु|
Buba ko mukh herne din aaja kushe aushi ko hardik subhakamana . Happy father’s day.
म यस धरतीमा सबैभन्दा भाग्यशाली बच्चा हुँ किनभने मेरो धरतीमा सबैभन्दा राम्रो बुवा मसँग छ ।
Buwako mukha herne ajako pavitra dinako pavitra avasarama tapailai hardika subhakamana.
नेपालीहरुको महान चाड बुबाको मुख हेर्ने दिनको सम्पूर्ण बुवाहरुमा स्वस्थ जीवनको कामना गर्दछु ।
Happy Father’s Day Quotes in Nepali
A father is the one friend upon whom we can always rely.”
Emile Gaboriau
“An almost perfect relationship with his father was the earthly root of all his wisdom.”
C.S. Lewis
My dad’s my best mate, and he always will be.”
– Cher Lloyd
“The older I get, the smarter my father seems to get.”
Tim Russert
Sanskrit Shlok For Dad / Father
पिता धर्मः पिता स्वर्गः पिता हि परमं तपः।
पितरि प्रीतिमापन्ने प्रीयन्ते सर्वदेवताः॥
Pita swarga,Pita dharm ,Pita hi Param Tapo
Pitori pritima pannay, Priyantay sarva devata.
Meaning in English:
Father is compared to Heaven , Father is Religion,
Father is ultimate sacrifice.
He is placed at a higher pedestal than all Gods combined.
जनिता चोपनेता च यस्तु विद्यां प्रयच्छति
अन्नदाता भयत्राता पञ्चैते पितरः स्मृताः
janitaa chopanetaa cha yastu vidyaaM prayachChati
annadaataa bhayatraataa pa~nchaite pitaraH smRutaaH
Meaning in English:
One who gives birth, one who brings closer (to the Lord, to spirituality – by means of initiating through the sacred thread ceremony),
he who gives knowledge, he who gives food, he who protects from fear – these 5 are deemed as fathers.
Father’s Day wishes in English
Happy father’s day Baba ” , love u a lot and thank u for everything you did to us “Stay happy and healthy”.
Thank you for everything you have done, you are one in a million. Happy Father’s Day to you.
I know I don’t say it often, but I really do appreciate all the sacrifices and hard work you put into raising me. Father’s Day wishes .I love you.
Happy Father’s Day to toughest yet sweetest father in the world.
A ‘father’ is someone who listens with heart, speaks with hug and teaches not by words but examples”. Happy Fathers’ Day to my Baa and all the fathers‘ in the world.
“I’m so grateful to be sharing life, love and parenthood with a wonderful man like you.”
Fathers day images, greeting cards in Png and GIF

Happy Father’s Day wishes by daughter
Thank you for being there every day with just the love and guidance I’ve needed.”
Happy Father’s Day to the man who put the fear into all my homecoming and prom dates…and who still treats me like a princess!
Just wanted to recognize you on Father’s Day for being such a caring and positive influence in my life. I’m more grateful than you could ever know.I am so lucky to have you
Happy Father’s Day to the man of my heart, the father of our children, the love of my life.
“Thinking of all our fun Father’s Days on the lake and wishing I could be there enjoying this one along with you.
Happy Father’s Day wishes by son
Happy Father’s Day .I cannot tell you how much I love you, dad. You have sacrificed so much for us and I can never be able to match up to that ever in my life. I love you so much, daddy.
“It was my father who taught me to value myself.
The love between a father and son is forever.Happy Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day, daddy! Thank you for being there every day with just the love and guidance I’ve needed.
Happy Father’s Day.I’m so proud of the family you have started for yourself. Enjoy your day, I will always love you!
Happy Kushe Aushi (कुशे औशी) wishes
बच्च्चा हुँदा हजुर लाई अग्लो देखेर हेर्थे, आज म हजुर भन्दा हाइट मा अग्लो भए पनि हजुर को उचाही लाई म अझै कदर गर्छु । अहिले म अग्लो भएता पनि हजुर को जती उचही प्राप्त गर्न चहिन्छु ।
संसारको सबैभन्दा मिहिनेती र सबैभन्दा प्रेरणादायक व्यक्तिलाई कुशे औशीको धेरै धेरै शुभकामना |
धेरै माया बाबा हजुरलाई आज सम्म मैले जे गरे पनि साथ र सहयोग गर्नु भयो, मेरो हरेक कुरा लाई सहयोग गर्नु भयो! हजुरको माया पाउन म आफुलाई निकै भागयमनी ठानेकोछु। कुशे औशी को धेरै धेरै शुभकामना
कुशे औशीको धेरै धेरै शुभकामना |बाबा मलाई योग्य बनाउन हजुर ले गर्नु भएको बलिदान र मिहिनेत को म सधै कदर गर्छु। धेरै धेरै माया बाबा |
~~~~THE END~~~~
Thank you for reading “Happy Fathers Day wishes in Nepali / Kushe Aunshi ” till this end.
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Happy Father Day Wishes, Status, Quotes, Caption in Nepali language 2078